

Stage maps


    View larger map on maps.autorally.lv

Rally Sarma 2022 will run in an epidemiologically safe environment, in green mode.

Before buying rally tickets, please, read these terms and terms of eKase.lv www.ekase.lv !
Spectator’s guide will be available in start of rally week.

Rules for spectators

- Spectators must present an interoperable Covid-19 certificate of vaccination or recovery from disease, personalized spectator tickets (preferably printouts) and a valid identity document in accordance with the requirements of the Republic of Latvia on the day of the competition.
- Children under the age of 12 do not have to take the Covid-19 tests but must present personalized spectator tickets (preferably printouts) and identity documents in accordance with the requirements of the Republic of Latvia on the day of the competition.
- Group 1 and 2 disabled people of Latvia additionally must present disability certificates.
- Spectators must arrive in ticket control points in a timely manner, with additional time to check Covid-19 certificates, tickets and documents.
- Medical face masks or FFP2 respirators must be worn when approaching or arriving at the ticket control point. The use of face and nose protection outside the ticket control point is optional.
- At the ticket control points, where the check of tickets and QR codes will be performed after getting out of the car, please come to the control with the whole household (passengers of one car) at once.
- At ticket control points and spectator locations (areas), spectators must observe a distance of 2 m between households.
- Due to the limited number of spectators at spectator locations (areas), ticket control staff have the right to deny access to a specific spectator location after reaching the maximum number of spectators, and spectators are obliged to go unconditionally to another spectator location where the maximum number is not reached.
- The flows of spectators, athletes, athlete support persons and organizers (excluding ticket controllers) are completely separated.
- Spectators are not allowed to enter or leave the special stages through the start and finish areas.
- Spectators are prohibited from approaching athletes, marshals and other personnel, except ticketing staff and emergency medical personnel, if objectively necessary and using a medical face mask or FFP2 respirator as appropriate.
- Spectators are not allowed to visit and be in the Rally Centre and Service Park.
- Spectators are not allowed to come to the competition if they have signs or symptoms that indicate respiratory diseases (sore throat, cough, runny nose, etc.), gastrointestinal diseases (nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea) or unclear etiologies fever.
- Spectators subject to self-isolation or quarantine are not allowed to enter the competition venue.
- The spectators themselves and their accompanying persons and their legal representatives are responsible for their own health and the right of their minor children to attend the competition. Children who have reached the age of 14 are jointly responsible for their health and the right to attend the competition.
- Undertake to prepare tickets (preferably printouts), Covid-19 certificates and identity documents in good time before you arrive at the ticket control to make control process faster and does not hinder other rally fans;
- If required for spectator safety or explicitly stated here or in another document freely available at the competition venue, including the rally organizer’s website, the competition organizers, including the epidemiological safety specialist, have the right to restrict the presence of a spectator or group of spectators at the competition venue.
- The opinion of spectators on the epidemiological safety requirements in the competition or in the country as a whole is not binding on the organizers of the competition.


Rally cars move quickly, wide and can cut corners! They can leave the road or do what you don’t expect!
- The duty of the spectators is fulfilled by the instructions of the marshals.
- It is forbidden to go on or cross the special stage during the rally when rally cars approaching.
- When standing on the side of the special stage, do not turn your back to rally cars and keep them in your sight to react in time if an accident occurs.
- Take care not only for your own safety, but also for the safety of your fellow human beings and pets.
- A medical face mask or FFP2 respirator must be worn when pushing a rally car.
- Don’t put your arms in wheel arches during of pushing rally cars – rally spikes are very dangerous!!!
- Be watchful and safe!


- The organizers of the rally do not ensure and do not organize the location of catering service providers at the place of the competition.
- By purchasing a ticket, spectators agree that the organizers of the rally will use and display at their discretion any video, audio and photos taken during the competition that may contain recognizable spectators.
- By purchasing a ticket, spectators consent to the processing of their personal data (including that of their children or defendants) to the extent necessary for the organization of the event, including the transfer of personal data to the Center for Disease Prevention and Control for epidemiological inquiries and video, audio and photo processing and for publication.
- Spectators are invited to follow the current information and infographics published on the website of the rally organizer and placed at the competition venue.
- The medical face mask or FFP2 respirator should be worn so that the selected face and nose shield completely covers the mouth and nose, fitting snugly to the face without creating gaps that allow air to pass through them. Below is a link to the website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia with instructions on how to use face masks.
- The phone number of the epidemiological safety specialist during the competition will be published on www.autorally.lv and indicated at each ticket control point.

Useful sites

Site of rally: www.autorally.lv
Terms of ticket service EKASE: https://www.ekase.lv/en/terms-and-conditions/
Center for Disease Prevention and Control: https://www.spkc.gov.lv/lv/aktualitates-par-covid-19
Ministry of Education and Science: https://www.izm.gov.lv/lv/latvijas-nacionala-sporta-padome
Latvian Automobile Federation: https://laf.lv/sporta-aktivitates-no-15-novembra/
Covid-19 up-to-date information: https://covid19.gov.lv/en/support-society/how-behave-safely/organisation-sports-events
Laws by likumi.lv:
Respiratory protection and its effectiveness: https://www.ptac.gov.lv/lv/jaunums/elposanas-celu-aizsardzibas-lidzekli-covid-19-infekcijas-izplatisanas-laika
Proper use of face masks: https://www.vm.gov.lv/lv/par-mutes-un-deguna-aizsegu-lietosanu