30-01-2025 12:08
Sirmacis: Šis mums pēc tādas pauzes bija ļoti labs rezultāts, pats esmu pārsteigts
Pēc četru gadu pauzes pie pilnpiedziņas stūres rallijā atgriezās Ralfs Sirmacis, kura stūrmanis bija Armands Bite. Rallijā Alūksne, startējot ar "Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII", ekipāža izcīnīja trešo vietu absolūti un otro klasē. Klases uzvarētājiem Emīlam Blūmam/Didzim Eglītim Sirmača ekipāža, kura pirmajā ātrumposmā pamanījās nopelnīt desmit sekunžu sodu, zaudēja tikai 5,65 sekundes.
28-01-2025 14:30
Decision on running dates of Rally Sarma to be made on 30 January
Official Statement from Rally Sarma Organizers: "We are actively monitoring the latest weather forecasts to determine if and when winter will return. We have decided to make and announce the final decision on Thursday evening, January 30, regarding whether the rally will start on February 8 or be postponed to February 15."
15-01-2025 12:40
Rally Sarma 2025 to open the Baltic Sea Rally Championship for the Second Consecutive Year
The traditional winter rally, Sarma 2025, will celebrate its 50th anniversary this year with competitions during the second weekend of February. For the second consecutive year, it has been included in the Baltic Sea Rally Championship calendar as the opening round of the championship. Simultaneously, the event will continue to host rounds of the Latvian Rally Championship, Rallysprint Championship and Historic Rally Car Championship. Additionally, participant registration has already begun since the end of last week, with the first entries already received.
13-12-2024 11:29
Rally Sarma will celebrate its 50th anniversary in February
On February 7 and 8, 2025, the traditional winter Rally Sarma – one of the oldest continuously running rallies in the Baltics – will celebrate its 50th anniversary. Especially interesting speed stages have been chosen for the rally in the winter capital - Gulbene district. A special novelty will be the city super special stage!