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24.08 - 25.08.2012


  • 09-08-2012 08:38

    The 4th stage of Latvian Dragrace Championship will take place in Liepaja

    On 25 and 26 August, within a framework of the Speed Festival “Rally Kurzeme 2012”, the fourth stage of Latvian Dragrace Championship will take place. There will be a special route 402 meters long prepared for this race. It will be created on Pulvera street in the section between Cukura street up to 14 November Boulevard (14.novembra bulvāris).

This is the first time in the history of Latvian Motorsport, when the start for the Dragrace Championship will be given on the streets of the city, and that will certainly create additional adrenaline and excitement both to the participants as well as spectators of the championship.

Capacity of the vehicles leading the dragrace competition may exceed 1000 horsepowers, besides the speed in the 400 meters distance may exceed 250 km/h. The route distance 200 meters is sufficient for reaching the speed of 200 km/h. This year also a citizen of Liepaja Ingus Ozolins, having a vehicle – black Audi – with an engine of 900 horsepowers under the bonnet, will participate in the 4th stage of Latvian Dragrace Championship. According to the opinion of the organisers of the Speed Festival “Rally Kurzeme 2012”, this is definitely to be considered as the most powerful vehicle in Liepaja.

Qualification drives will be held on the first day of competition, while on the second day we invite the spectators to keep track of the events in the final drives and the awarding ceremony of the 4th stage of Latvian Dragrace Championship. After the second start of the season, which took a place in the mid June in Tartu, Estonia, the competition in the PRO and Street test classes is very tough. Currently during the preparation period for the Speed Festival “Rally Kurzeme 2012”, the sportsmen are working hard in order to improve their vehicles technically.

In the previous stage of the competition in Estonia the leader of D class reached a new personal record by managing the distance of 402 meters within 8,8 seconds. When telling about the objectives made for the Kurzeme competition, Ilmārs Zausajevs admits that he hopes to manage 402 meters within the time period, which is less than 9 seconds, also in Liepaja. „Of course, we’ll go for race! We are especially preparing for each competition and set the highest objectives. We would like to manage the distance of 402 meters in Latvia at least as fast as in Tartu. We will see then on 25 and 26 August whether we will manage it,” tells I. Zausajevs.

Also the current runner-up of PRO D class Normunds Lācis has approved his participation in Liepaja. „Of course, I will participate! Objectives are still the same – a fierce battle with competitors and the winner’s pedestal. We have repaired a vehicle, which was spoiled during the Estonian competition, also the doors, which were pulled out from the coupe due to the pressure change of the speed up to the 200 km/h. Now we have lowered the front EVO part, in order to improve aerodynamics, as well as performed some small adjustments. I have to admit that we look forward for the competition in Liepaja!” says Normunds Lācis.

Māris Ozoliņš, who is currently taking the third place in PRO D class, similarly to his competitors has set the winning as the objective of the Speed Festival Rally Kurzeme 2012. „I will participate in Kurzeme. The objective both for me as well as the team is to fight for the win. If talking about preparation works, my vehicle had some small problems of electronics during the previous competition as a result of which the vehicle lost its capacity. Currently the engineers of the team are working in order to find and eliminate the mistake. The competition in PRO D class is very tough, therefore the vehicle needs to be repaired in order to be able to compete,” Māris Ozoliņš sets out his opinion.

It is possible to get acquainted with technical regulations of the competition as well as rules of the championship in the webpage of Latvian Automobile Federation (www.laf.lv), all news and discussions are available also on www.forsaza.lv.

Entrance cards to the Speed Festival “Rally Kurzeme 2012” are available at „BezRindas.lv” and ticket offices of „Biļešu serviss.lv”. Ticket price to the dragrace – LVL 3, while the price of the ticket for all competitions of the Speed Festival “Rally Kurzeme 2012” – LVL 7. Children under the age of 14 years enjoy free entrance.