21.05 - 22.05.2016


  • 22-03-2016 13:06

    Rally Talsi to celebrate its 50th anniversary

    The first official Rally Talsi document, Rally Guide 1, has been published, containing the necessary information about the event. The fiftieth anniversary event will not only be a Latvian championship event, but will also host some international series, and is set to take place on Saturday and Sunday, May 21 and 22.

This year’s event, traditionally, will take place at the end of May, when spring is in full effect and the meadows are filled with dandelions. For 2016, Rally Talsi will host not only the Latvian Rally Championship, but also the Lithuanian Rally Championship and North European Zone (NEZ) Junior Championship. In addition to that, emphasising the historic presence, we will see Youngtimer cars tackle the Saturday’s stages in regularity rally. As an added intrigue, this will be the eighth year when the Rally of Champions is taking place during the event, putting the 2015 rally champions from near and far countries up against each other to settle who will become this year’s champion of champions.

“Organisers of the first rally in Talsi, Vilnis Osis, Jānis Birkenbergs and Ēriks Vīksna, were true masters of their craft, and put in a great foundation for the following events! I am from Talsi as well, and have been attending the event since early childhood, later starting for the event as a rally driver, and now, for the last eight years, I organise the event! With great respect I look back at the history of the event, and it is my true honour to continue the legacy of the first organisers, doing my best to popularize Talsi region and rally far outside of the city of nine hills.

The first rally in Talsi took place back in 1966, so I would like to thank the Talsi region municipality, which has, for the last fifty years, welcomed rally crews, friends and media with open arms. To honour this anniversary, we have made a special event logo, which contains not only the memorable “50”, but also the symbols of the city of Talsi – an oak leaf crown and the colour pattern or bar code of the costume skirts! From all of us at RA Events, for this anniversary year we wish Talsi region to have precise pacenotes and keep on moving forward, so that the rally can remain in the city of nine hills for at least the next fifty years!” director of RA Events Raimonds Strokšs is elated before the event.

“Rally in Talsi will be special for two reasons this year – it will take place at the start of the spring tourism season, and Rally Talsi will also celebrate its fiftieth anniversary! We are glad that Rally Talsi has gained popularity not only in Latvia, but, thanks to it being known as the Rally of Champions, is also well known internationally. It serves as an adrenaline charge and a celebration for all participants, Talsi region inhabitants and guests. Each year there are new adventures, new leaders and new challenges…

In Talsi region, we celebrate the important anniversaries of our locals and congratulate them on their birthdays. This year, Rally Talsi will be among those who have important anniversaries, celebrating its fiftieth. Rally Talsi has been a respected citizen of the Talsi region: fast, always ready for action and change, progressive and tended towards new and modern things. At the same time, it respects the classic and historic values, is friends with nature and respects its neighbours. This rally also has a lot of friends and supporters and I know that all of them will be here for the event on May 21 and 22 to celebrate the anniversary! I wish for Rally Talsi to always have plenty of new and exciting challenges, along with a long list of participants! Have a fantastic anniversary rally!” the chairman of Talsi region Aivars Lācarus invites everyone to attend the event.

In line with the publication of Rally Guide 1, the Forbidden Area rules are also in effect. The Forbidden Area is a territory in the Talsi region which the Rally Talsi competitors can visit before before the event only with a special permit issued by the organiser of the event RA EVENTS. This is a typical practice in rallying, and is used to help provide equal race conditions for local and international crews.

Jānis Unbedahts. Photo: go4speed.lv