18.05 - 19.05.2013


In the rally calendar of 2013 initially announced by the Latvian Automobile Federation the "Rally Talsi" was not included, as the first two rounds of the championship which at the same time is the second round of the 2013 FIA European Rally Championship, is organized by the Association „RA Motosport” — the usual organizer of the "Rally Talsi".

However later the calendar of the Latvian Rally Championship was corrected allocating to the "Rally Talsi" the status of the reserve rally envisaged on 17th and 18th May. But after cancellation of the "Rally Latgale" and operative action of the Talsi Municipality by allocating significant financial support to the rally organization, it was decided also in 2013 to delight the auto sports spectators with the "Rally Talsi", which for the fifth year already will be called the Rally of Champions.

@IMG1@“This is a pleasant surprise. We would like to thank the Latvian Automobile Federation for confidence, as we are entrusted with three rounds of this season. We would like to thank also the Talsi County Municipality, which was able to assess this possibility and reacted quickly enough to ensure that the tradition of the "Rally Talsi" will continue. Thus the baton is in our hands now, and we have a lot of work to do till May — both in relation to preparation of stages and attraction of sportsmen," tells the Director of the Association "RA Motosport" Raimonds Strokšs.

“I am pleased that the tradition of the "Rally Talsi" will continue also in the next year and this sporting event, which is important both for the Talsi City and County, in May 2013 will gather in our neighborhood many admirers of auto sport. Within more than 40 years the "Rally Talsi" has become an expected and significant event — it is one of the symbols of recognition of the Talsi City and County. Therefore it is great that also next year in the middle of May inhabitants of the Talsi City and guests from near and far will be able to enjoy this auto sports festival, which is always characterized by excitement and speed and is an interesting event both for rally participants and spectators. This is good news also for the entrepreneurs of our county, for whom it is a good starting point of the summer season,” says the Chairman of the Talsi City Council Miervaldis Krotovs.

In 2013 the "Rally Talsi" format will undergo minor changes as instead of the usual weekend the rally will take place on Friday and Saturday. However the event motto will remain unchanged — to gather the fastest drivers of the region, including the rally champions from near and distant foreign countries.

Jānis Unbedahts, Press Secretary RA Motosport